Training Your Cat

Cats are naturally active and need plenty of stimulation to ensure both mental and physical well-being. Teaching your cat good behavior and playing games are positive ways of interacting with your cat. Kind, effective training involves setting up house rules, rewarding “good” behavior, and ignoring “bad” behavior. This in turn will make it easier for …

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Food and Feeding

1. Essential Nutrition 2. Vitamins and Micronutrients 3. Types of Food 4. Home-Cooked Food 5. Water 6. Foods to Avoid 7. When and How Much to Feed 8. The Right Balance 9. Life Changes 10. An Ideal Weight 11. Giving Treats A well-fed and well-nourished cat is a happy cat. Although the occasional  mouse caught …

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Nutrition for Kittens

For most cats, childhood lasts for about 1 year. During this time, kittens requires higher levels of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, protein, vitamins, and energy (calories) than they will as an adult. Therefore, foods fed to young, growing pets should contain these higher levels in balance with each other and with all other …

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Training Essentials for Cats

Proper training is definitely the key to a happy owner-pet relationship. It establishes your dominance in the relationship between you and your cat right from the start, and it can help prevent many behavioral challenges from rearing their ugly heads later on. Solid training can also keep your cat out of troublesome situations that could …

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Cat Proofing Your Home

If you choose to allow your new pet to have the run of the house, be sure to take proper steps to pet proof your home. For instance, keep all electrical cords well out of reach. This might mean banishing your playful pet from certain areas of the house, but it is a minor inconvenience …

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How to Handle Your Cat

Cats are notoriously choosy about who they will allow to touch them, let alone  pick them up and pet them. Some cats simply do not like being picked up at all, and will struggle to get free. There are right and wrong ways to handle a cat—learn how  to do it correctly and the chances …

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Cat’s Protection at Birth

When kittens are born, their immune systems are not fully developed and they are at risk of infections. They do, however, receive help from their mother’s milk, specifically the first milk she produces after the kittens are born. This thick yellowy milk (colostrum) is made for only about 72 hours after birth and is rich …

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How to Groom and Clean Your Cat

1. Natural Cleaning 2. Grooming Sessions 3. Coat Types 4. Trimming the Claws 5. Cleaning the Face 6. Teeth Cleaning 7. Bathing Your Cat 8. Cleaning Under the Tail 9. Grooming a Shorthaired Cat 10. Grooming a Longhaired Cat 11. Basic Grooming Tools A clean coat is healthy and comfortable, and staying well-groomed comes naturally …

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Cat Dental Care

Periodontal disease, or tooth-and-gum disease, is one of the most common diseases affecting pets today. In fact, most dogs and cats show some signs of this disease by 3 years of age. Signs can include tender, swollen gums, excessive drooling, loss of appetite, and bad breath. A complete dental exam should be performed on all …

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Destructive Scratching

Scratching comes naturally to cats, which use this behavior to keep their retractable claws manicured and to mark their territories. As a result, scratching, though it might become destructive and annoying, should be viewed as a perfectly natural behavior. If your cat is engaged in destructive scratching, you haven’t satisfied a basic need. A scratching …

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