Essential Equipment for Cats

If you are a new cat owner, you will need to buy a certain amount of equipment  for your pet’s comfort and well-being. These items include a bed, litter box, and feeding bowls. You may be tempted by the latest designer cat accessories but think first about whether your pet really needs them. Start with …

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Vacation Planning

Prior to leaving on a vacation, there are certain items that need to be taken care of first. To begin, be sure you are aware of all the requirements necessary for taking your cat to its intended destination, including required health certificates, quarantines, and customs. When traveling domestically and interstate with your pet, two items …

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Cat Health and Care

1. Parasites and Diseases 2. Disorders and Injuries 3. Check-ups and Tests 4. Handling an Injured Cat 5. First Aid 6. Minor Wounds 7. Burns 8. Stings and Bites 9. Venomous Animals 10. Choking and Poisoning 11. Injuries and Shock 12. Normal Vital Signs 13. Creating a Sick Room 14. Handling Your Cat 15. Administering …

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Causes of Obesity

The causes of obesity in cats are numerous, but the first and foremost of them is plain, old dietary indiscretion also known as too many table scraps! Realize that when you feed a cat that tiny piece of hot dog, that is equivalent to you eating two to three hot dogs! In other words, it …

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Controlling Fleas and Ticks

Much confusion exists about the proper approaches to external parasite control and prevention in pets. Many different products are now available for external parasite control. The key to successful control is to choose and properly use the products that provide the best possible results for the specific external parasite and environment involved. Flea Control Fleas …

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Controlling Internal Parasites

Left undetected and untreated, intestinal parasites can rob or cat of much-needed nutrients, can cause severe gastrointestinal upset, and can predispose it to secondary disease. Internal parasites are widespread throughout the pet population. To make matters worse, many internal parasites of cats are also classified as zoonotic diseases; that is, they can be directly communicable …

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Cat’s Skin and Coat

The skin is an organ, like the heart or liver. In fact, it is the largest organ of a cat’s body, enveloping and protecting the animal from environmental threats and diseases. The soft fur coat, which grows from the skin, is composed of different types of hair and also plays a protective role. The ancestors …

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Understanding Your Cat

Cats are generally solitary animals. Highly independent, they have developed subtle and complex ways of behaving and communicating that often send confusing messages to their owners. Cats do, however, have a range of other signals that you can learn to interpret. Facial Expressions and Body Language Your cat will give you signals using his ears, …

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Choosing the Right Cat

The needs of cats vary depending on the breed. For example, slender breeds, such as the Siamese, are usually very active and love being part of a family; stockier breeds, such as the British Shorthair, tend to be more laid-back and prefer a quieter life. One way to find a pedigree is to contact a …

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Feral Cats

Cats of domestic descent that have known little or no human contact, or former pets that have become homeless for various reasons, are termed “feral.” Although feral cats live in a wild state, they have no relationship to the true wildcat species found throughout the world. Being resourceful animals, cats that have strayed or been …

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