This dainty, aristocratic cat with a sparkling white coat is very loving, making it an active and loyal companion.
Development of this breed began in the 1950s, with crosses between the Siamese and white shorthaired cats. In the UK the first of these hybrids had either orange or blue eyes, but selective breeding produced cats with blue eyes only, which were given the name of Foreign White.
Elsewhere, either green or blue eyes are permitted, and the cat is regarded as a solid-colored variant of the Oriental Shorthair, known as the Oriental White. This striking breed has the characteristic elongated lines and vibrant personality of the Siamese.
Many blue-eyed white cats have a genetically linked tendency to deafness, but the Foreign White is free from this defect.
The foreign white is the only Oriental breed that cannot be bred with other Orientals.
Attractive Hybrid
The Tonkinese is midway between the ultra-lean Oriental cats and the typically stocky shorthair. In early breeding programs, it was first known as the Golden Siamese.
Origin: UK, 1950s
Breed registries: CFA, FIFe, GCCF, TICA
Weight range: 9–14lb (4–6.5kg)
Grooming: Weekly
Colors and patterns: White only.

With a Ph.D. in Veterinary Science and over 9+ years of experience in feline research and care, Lila Rose is the ultimate authority on all things cat-related. As a passionate advocate for feline health and well-being, she brings a wealth of knowledge and personal insights to From understanding intricate behaviors to providing the best care tips, her expertise ensures that cat enthusiasts receive accurate and practical information. Follow her feline adventures and updates on Facebook at CatsPedia7.