Cat’s Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex

This dermatopathy of cats is characterized by the unexplained appearance of red to yellow-brown ulcerated lesions with associated hair loss occurring at various locations around the body. On the average, it tends to strike female cats that are under 6 years of age. When the …

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Inherited Disorders

Inherited disorders are genetic problems that are passed on from one generation to the next. There are certain disorders associated with particular breeds; a few of the most important are described here. Why Do Genetic Problems Occur? Inherited disorders result from faults in a cat’s …

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The Itchy Cat

Many disease conditions can produce itching in cats. However, only a few disorders result in severe and/or prolonged itching. The primary symptoms of the “itchy pet” are scratching, licking, and/or biting of the skin. Early signs that might be noticed include wet hairs, reddened skin, …

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Allergies and Autoimmune Disease

Both allergies and autoimmune diseases are characterized by an overactive immune system that can irritate or damage its host’s own tissues in response to an antigen invasion within the body. For example, atopic (allergic) dermatitis in dogs and cats results from an overactive immune response …

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Cat’s Ear Mites

Otodectes cynotis is the mite that most commonly inhabits the ear canals of cats. These tiny parasites, which are transmitted by close contact with other infected animals, live on the skin surface within the ear and feed on body fluids. Their presence irritates the glands …

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Nutrition for the Older Cat

Once your pet is 7 years old, another dietary change becomes necessary. As people and animals age, many organ systems begin to show the effects of wear and tear. The kidneys especially begin to lose the ability to handle waste materials that must be removed …

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How to Treat and Prevent Folliculitis in Cats?

Folliculitis refers to an inflammatory skin condition in cats affecting the hair follicles. It causes small red bumps on the skin that may be itchy, painful, or seeping. Multiple factors can trigger feline folliculitis ranging from infections to allergies. Treating the underlying cause and following …

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Cat Osteomyelitis

Infections involving bony tissue within the body are termed osteomyelitis. Bacterial osteomyelitis in cats can occur secondary to a deep bite wound or some other type of penetrating trauma. Open fractures can also predispose to bone infections. Furthermore, fungal organisms, such as histoplasmosis and blastomycosis, …

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Paralysis can be defined as a disruption of the nervous system leading to an impairment of motor function and/or feeling to a particular region or regions of the body. This impairment can be in the form of a spasticity of the muscles in the involved …

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Vaccinating Your Cat

Five core vaccines should be administered to all cats. These include vaccines against panleukopenia (parvovirus), herpesvirus (viral rhinotracheitis), calicivirus, feline leukemia (FeLV), and rabies. Other vaccines, including those for the feline immunodeficiency virus (feline AIDS), feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), ringworm, Chlamydophila, and Bordetella are optional, …

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