Maintaining a Healthy Skin and Coat

Routine grooming is essential for maintaining healthy hair and skin in cats. Be sure to allot some time each day to this task. Brushing Whether your cat has short or long hair, brushing the coat thoroughly on a daily basis will aid in its appearance …

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The accumulation of hair within the stomach is the most common cause of vomiting in cats. Because of their self-grooming habits and the roughened nature of their tongues, cats are prone to hairballs. Incidence of this problem increases during the spring and fall months because …

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Cat’s Skin and Coat

The skin is an organ, like the heart or liver. In fact, it is the largest organ of a cat’s body, enveloping and protecting the animal from environmental threats and diseases. The soft fur coat, which grows from the skin, is composed of different types …

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The Skin and Haircoat

The skin, or integument, functions to protect the body from outside foreign invaders and from water loss. It provides a focus for the sense of touch and assists in the regulation of the temperature within the body. In addition, special modifications of the skin, such …

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