Nutrition for the Older Cat

Once your pet is 7 years old, another dietary change becomes necessary. As people and animals age, many organ systems begin to show the effects of wear and tear. The kidneys especially begin to lose the ability to handle waste materials that must be removed …

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Food and Feeding

1. Essential Nutrition 2. Vitamins and Micronutrients 3. Types of Food 4. Home-Cooked Food 5. Water 6. Foods to Avoid 7. When and How Much to Feed 8. The Right Balance 9. Life Changes 10. An Ideal Weight 11. Giving Treats A well-fed and well-nourished …

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Nutrition for Kittens

For most cats, childhood lasts for about 1 year. During this time, kittens requires higher levels of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, protein, vitamins, and energy (calories) than they will as an adult. Therefore, foods fed to young, growing pets should contain these higher …

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Nutrition for Adult Cats

At about 12 months of age, switch your pet to a maintenance diet for adults. Once your kitten is grown, its nutritional needs are reduced considerably from those during the rapid development of that first year. Continuing to feed your adult pet high levels of …

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