
Most cats have short hair, whether they are large or small, wild or domestic. This is an evolutionary development that makes sense for a natural predator relying on stealth and the occasional burst of speed. A hunting cat is more efficient in a short coat …

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Sphynx Cat Breed

This hairless cat has an endearingly impish character, and its dedication to its owner makes it a great companion. Probably the best known of the hairless cats that have appeared around the world, the Sphynx originated in Canada and was named for its supposed resemblance …

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Colorpoint Shorthair Cat Breed

This loving, playful cat with a “look-at-me” attitude is intelligent and more easily trained than other breeds. Developed specifically for its beautiful color combinations, this breed was created during the 1940s and 50s, initially by crossing a Siamese with a red tabby American Shorthair. If …

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American Shorthair Cat Breed

A robust, easy-care cat, this breed is known for its sweet personality and amiability with children, dogs, and other pets. The first domestic cats in the US are said to have arrived with the early pilgrims in the 1600s. Over the following centuries, sturdy, workmanlike …

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Skookum Cat Breed

Despite being one of the smallest of all breeds, this cat is agile, athletic and full of confidence, and loves to play. As a cross between the Munchkin and the LaPerm, this little cat has inherited two striking features: extremely short legs and a soft …

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Persian—Bicolor Cat Breed

This longhair cat’s coat has bold color patches that give it extra glamour and requires thorough grooming. Up until the 1960s, bicolored Persians were of little interest to breeders, and they were considered suitable only as pets. Today, they are challenging the solid colors in …

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Exotic Shorthair Cat Breed

This affectionate breed, which has an endearing nature, is a low-maintenance version of the longhaired Persian cat. The first Exotics were bred in the US in the 1960s, and by the 1980s there was a popular British version as well. These cats were created through …

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Pixiebob Longhair Cat Breed

This large, athletic breed resembles the wild bobcat found in North America, but it bonds well with its human family. This relatively new breed has a similar appearance to the bobcat, native to the mountains of North America’s Pacific coast. The resemblance is deliberate—the Pixiebob’s …

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Australian Mist Cat Breed

This affectionate cat has a beautiful coat and a steady temperament that makes it an excellent pet for anyone. The first pedigree cat to be developed in Australia, this breed was created from crosses between Burmese, Abyssinian, and Australian domestic shorthair cats. Formerly known as …

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Selkirk Rex Longhair Cat Breed

This easygoing and patient breed’s wild curly coat and endearingly huggable personality make it a lovable pet. The breed originated with an odd curly coated female kitten, discovered among an otherwise normal litter in an animal rescue center in Montana. Adopted as something of a …

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