Longhairs Cat Breed

It is thought that long hair in domestic cats arose as a natural genetic mutation, most likely in response to cold climates. Where this advantageous gene was passed on among cats living in isolated areas, such as mountain regions, longhaired populations would have arisen. Wildcats …

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Singapura Cat Breed

This friendly cat loves to be the center of attention and will always be there with you to welcome your guests. The distinctive ticked coat of this little cat caught the eye of an American scientist, Hal Meadow, while he was working in Singapore in …

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Egyptian Mau Cat Breed unique characteristics

The Egyptian Mau is one of the most unique and recognizable cat breeds. With its striking spotted coat, large gooseberry green eyes, and elegant build, the Egyptian Mau stands out from other cats. This breed has several distinctive characteristics that set it apart in the …

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Khao Manee Cat Breed

An extroverted and intelligent breed, this cat is highly curious and will eagerly explore its surroundings. The “white jewel,” as the name translates, is native to Thailand. Cats apparently of this type are recorded in Thai poetry as early as the 14th century, and were …

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Korat Cat Breed

This enchanting cat has a long and proud history and makes a good family pet, but it can be strong-willed and assertive. Few cat breeds can truly be described as being of ancient origin, but the Korat from Thailand is one of them. It appears …

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Havana Cat Breed

A gentle, playful cat, this breed enjoys an indoor life and adapts to any situation with poise and confidence. A rare breed with a confusing background, the Havana (originally known as the Havana Brown) was developed to have two different looks, both with a rich …

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American Burmese Cat Breed

Always ready to give and receive affection, these cats will seek out warm laps and gentle petting and stroking. There are several conflicting accounts of how the Burmese cat came to the West. All that is known for certain is that a Southeast Asian cat …

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Balinese-Javanese Cat Breed

Insatiably curious and fearless, this confident, talkative, and attention-seeking cat demands a place in the family. This enchanting cat is a development of the Balinese (see opposite), the longhaired relation of the Siamese, with which it shares an identical breed standard in terms of conformation …

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House cat—longhair Cat Breed

Regardless of their ancestry, these cats have undeniable glamour and are sought-after pets. Non pedigree cats with long hair are less common than their shorthaired counterparts. In some of them, the clues to their origins are obvious. A dense, woolly undercoat, stocky body, and a …

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Mandalay Cat Breed

This glossy-coated beauty is playful and fearless and may be seen attempting feats beyond its capabilities. In the 1980s, two breeders in New Zealand discovered independently that accidental matings between Burmese cats and domestic cats produced promising kittens. From these litters, they both went on …

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