Cat Breeds
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Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Profile

With its long, fluffy coat, triangle-shaped head, captivating green eyes and large expressive ears, the Norwegian Forest Cat cuts an imposing yet cuddly figure. This natural breed originating centuries ago in the forests of Northern Europe makes an exceptional family pet for the right household. Read on to learn more about the devoted, sociable and athletic Norwegian Forest Cat breed.

The Norwegian Forest Cat likely existed as early as the Vikings’ rule of Norway over a thousand years ago. References to big, longhaired “skogkatters” or “mountain cats” appear in Norse folktales describing their role as loyal companions and skilled hunters. Today’s pedigree traces back to registered foundation stock from remote mountainous regions of their native Norway.

Despite coming close to extinction during World War II, deliberate breeding efforts revived the magnificent Forest Cat. They first arrived stateside in the 1980s and gained breed recognition in the mid-1990s. These adaptable, bright and affectionate cats make charming additions to modern households.

Physical Attributes
The Norwegian Forest Cat boasts a distinguished triple-layer coat with supple guard hairs topping a dense undercoat and downy-soft inner layer. It sports fuller frill around the neck and britches (long fur on upper hind legs). The water-resistant double coat spans colors like white, red, tabby and others with patterns like stripes and spots accepted across the spectrum. Eye colors range through shades of gold, green, copper and blue.

The triangular head sports large, heavily tufted ears set high on the head like alert sentries. Its robust body stands supported on strong, long legs ideal for scaling trees and mountainous terrain. Bushy toe tufts aid in distributing weight and provide traction across snow or rocky ground. Its exceptionally beautiful plumed tail curls to cover vulnerable areas like the face and nose against harsh weather.

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Personality Traits
The friendly and moderately vocal Norwegian Forest Cat tends to bond intensely with its chosen person. Yet it generally accepts, or at least tolerates, all family members including children, other pets and frequent guests. This intelligent and resourceful hunter uses its athletic talents to sneakily snatch unattended object for playtime. Providing raw food puzzles and vertical territory like cat trees keeps its predatory skills constructively occupied.

While energetic in short bursts, the Norwegian Forest Cat enjoys a good snooze by a window for prime birdwatching. Solo time is much appreciated, but when they choose to socialize, expect your cat to engage passionately. Overall a gentle, good-natured breed, new owners will delight in its dynamic yet sweet nature.

Care and Training Tips
This smart and sturdy cat adapts well to various living situations given daily stimulation and interaction. It should be kept strictly indoors both to protect local wildlife and avoid dangers that threaten this cherished pet. Be sure windows feature secure screens since its strong climbing skills give easy access to high vantage points.

Grooming needs rank as moderate. Comb the luxurious double coat weekly with a steel comb to control shedding and evenly distribute skin oils. Trim long fur between foot pads if prone to matting. Check ears routinely and maintain nails at proper length. Introduce regular handling, teeth brushing and bathing early on to build acceptance.

The friendly Norwegian Forest Cat takes well to reward-based training to channel its mighty athletic talents. Teach come commands, walk properly on leash and redirect scratching to appropriate posts. Interactive playtime with wand toys or puzzle feeders provides vital mental stimulation and exercise. This highly food-motivated breed will eagerly perform for tasty treats!

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In Summary
For the right family, this magnificent “natural wonder of Norway” promises to reward your efforts generously once you earn its affection. Expect years of devoted companionship from this brave, agile, alert and curious breed. Sharing life’s adventures with a Norwegian Forest Cat brings much joy and laughter. Do your research to determine if this outstanding pedigreed feline makes the optimal match for your household today

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