Postsurgical Care for Cats

Following any type of surgery, you should receive specific instructions from your veterinarian as to the type of postsurgical care your pet requires. It is important to follow these instructions closely to ensure an uneventful recovery. Postsurgical instructions include:

  • Do not give your pet food or water for 30 minutes after arriving at home. To do so can cause nausea and vomiting.
  • Restrict your pet’s activity for 8 to 10 days or until the sutures are removed. Protect your pet from stress, such as extreme exertion, excitement, temperature fluctuations, and drafts. Traveling should be kept to a minimum.
  • Check incision sites twice daily for any swelling and/or dis- charge. Keep them clean and dry at all times. Avoid bathing your pet until all sutures have been removed.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, return to your veterinarian in 8 to 10 days for suture removal.
  • If medications are dispensed, follow all label directions closely.
  • Don’t hesitate to call the veterinarian if any problems arise or if you have any questions regarding your pet’s recovery.

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